Amber Rollo

Amber Rollo is a standup comedian, actor and writer. She earned the title “Downright Rude” by confronting Harvey Weinstein when he showed up at a variety show in Manhattan; Weinstein’s spokesperson described her actions in that way and she has worn those words as a badge since. She was recently a guest on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee to comment on that interaction. She is the creator and co-host of Stoked Comedy (with Kelly Bachman, Davidson Boswell and Julie Piñero) in Brooklyn and co-host of Gilligan Comedy, a pop-up comedy show with Gabriel Pacheco. Though standup is her first love she is also a musician and actor, she the drummer in Boys Drool (a moody band made up of four comedians) and is a cast member of the sketch comedy show Sofa Kingdom. She is the co-host of Daddy-less Issues: The Orphan Podcast, with Chanel Ali, where they talk to comedians and artists who have lost one or more parents about how they succeed in life despite that. (Picture by Mindy Tucker.)


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Standup Comedy: Truth be Told

By Amber Rollo | December 11, 2019

Standup Comedy: Truth be Told

Amber Rollo, a comedian, writer and actor who was one of the people who confronted Harvey Weinstein at a New York comedy show in October, speaks out.